Primary Research Questionnaire (Analysis)


A questionnaire about Artificial Intelligence has been created to collect valuable insights and opinions. The responses provided by 15 participants will be analyzed and presented in the form of pie charts, bar charts, and other visual aids in this blog.

Based on the pie chart's data, it appears that 53.3% of the participants have some familiarity with Artificial Intelligence, while 46.7% reported being very familiar. Interestingly, the chart did not display any participants who were unfamiliar with the concept.

According to the pie chart, 60% of the survey respondents found AI relevant to their field of study, while 33.3% were unsure about its relevance. However, only a single participant chose the "NO" option.

According to the participant's responses, the rate of AI application usage is remarkably high. Nearly all of them acknowledged incorporating AI technology in their daily activities.

According to the data presented in the table chart, Machine Learning is the most commonly used AI technology with 76.9% of respondents selecting it. Deep Learning came in second place, while an equal number of five people chose Natural Language and Computer Vision.

The survey results show that automation of repetitive tasks was the most favoured benefit of AI among almost 10 out of 15 participants. Additionally, improved decision-making, enhanced efficiency and productivity, and advanced data analysis were of interest to 10, 9, and 7 participants respectively.

Based on data in the pie chart, the 18 - 24 age range of survey attendance was equal to 60 %, 24 - 30 age range participants make up 13.3% of survey takers.

After conducting the questionnaire, analysis of the respondents' overall satisfaction rating showed that The scale ranged from 1-5, with poor being the lowest and very good being the highest. Out of the respondents, only 6.7% rated their experience as poor (1), while 26.7% rated it as average (4). Around 13.3% gave a close-to-very-good rating (2), and the majority, 53.3%, gave a very good rating (8).

In summary, the questionnaire on Artificial Intelligence revealed that a majority of the participants had familiarity with AI and found it relevant to their fields of study. There was a high rate of AI technology usage, particularly in Machine Learning. The benefits of AI, such as automation, improved decision-making, efficiency, and data analysis, were favoured by most participants. Hence, the questionnaire received positive satisfaction ratings, indicating its effectiveness in capturing valuable insights into AI.


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